These Merits and Flaws deal with the place, position and status of a character within vampiric society.
Boon: ( 1-3 pt Merit)
An elder owes you a favor because of something either you or your sire once did for him. The extent of the boon owed to you depends on how many points you spend. One point would indicate a relatively minor boon, while three points would indicate that the elder probably owes you his unlife. See the rules on Prestation (in Chapter Four) for more information.
Prestigious Sire: (1 pt Merit)
Your Sire had or has great Status in the Camarilla, and this has accorded you a peculiar honor. Most treat you respectfully as a result, while some have only contempt for you, believing you to be nothing compared to them. This prestige could greatly aid you when dealing with elders acquainted with your sire. Indeed, your sire's contacts may actually approach you at some point offering aid. Though your sire may no longer have contact with you, the simple fact of your ancestry has marked you forever.
Special Gift: ( 1-3 pt Merit)
Your sire gave you a valuable gift after the Embrace. The Storyteller should create something suitable or choose one item from the Mystical Items list to give to you (though you can 'suggest' something). The Storyteller will decide how much a particular item is worth.
Reputation: (2 pt Merit)
You have a good reputation among the Kindred of your chosen city. This may be your own reputation, or it may be derived from your sire. Add three dice to all Dice Pools for social dealings with the city's Kindred. A character with this Merit may not take the Flaw of Notoriety.
Clan Friendship: (3 pt Merit)
For any number of different reasons ó appearance, bearing, background or demeanor ó something about you appeals to members of a clan other than your own (your choice ). The difficulties of all rolls related to social dealings with members of this clan are two less. This can be a two-edged sword; you are also marked by others as a sympathizer with that clan, whether you like it (or deny it! ) or not.
Pawn: (3 pt Merit)
You can manipulate and have some control over another vampire ó one of higher generation than you. Your hold was likely formed through Blood Bond, but can also come from a variety of other sources, such as blackmail, bribes or threats ó you make it up. The pawn does not necessarily know that it is being controlled.
Enemy: ( 1-5 pt Flaw)
You have an enemy, or perhaps a group of enemies, who seek to harm you. The value of the Flaw determines how powerful these enemies are. The most powerful enemies (Methuselahs or Archmages) would be five-point Flaws, while someone nearer to your own power would be worth only one point. You must decide who your enemy is and how you became enemies in the first place.
Infamous Sire: (1 pt Flaw)
Your sire was, and perhaps still is, distrusted and disliked by many of the Kindred in the city. As a result, you are distrusted and disliked as well. This is a heavy load, and one not easily shed.
Insane Sire: (1 pt Flaw)
Your sire has completely lost his grip on reality, and has become dangerously insane. Any wrong committed by your sire may affect your standing, and some of your sire's dangerous schemes may somehow involve you. Because their sires are already assumed to be insane, Malkavians cannot take this Flaw.
Mistaken Identity: (1 pt Flaw)
You look similar to another Kindred, and are mistaken for her, much to your chagrin. This individual's allies will approach you and tell you things you do not want to hear, her enemies will attempt to do away with you, and others will treat you in odd ways. Ultimately you might be able to sort out things, but it will take tremendous effort.
Sire's Resentment: (1 pt Flaw)
Your sire dislikes you and wishes you ill. Given the smallest opportunity, your sire will seek to do you harm, and may even attack you if provoked. Your sire's friends will also work against you, and many elders will thus resent you.
Twisted Upbringing: (1 pt Flaw)
Your sire was quite malevolent and taught you all the wrong things about Kindred society. All your beliefs about how vampires interact are wrong, and your faulty beliefs are likely to get you into a great deal of trouble. Over time, after many hard lessons, you can overcome this bad start (the Storyteller will tell you when). But until then, you will continue to believe what you were first told, no matter how others try to "trick" you into thinking otherwise.
Clan Enmity: (2 pt Flaw)
For some reason, something about you inspires contempt or hatred in members of a clan other than your own. There is a two-dice penalty to all rolls for social dealings with members of this other clan. Select the 'enemy' clan randomly or choose.
Diabolic Sire: (2 pt Flaw)
Your sire is engaged in acts that could cause a tremendous uproar in the Camarilla. She could be wantonly breaking the Masquerade, or hunting down the elders of the city and feasting on their blood. Archons are likely to come to you in order to discover your sire's whereabouts, and they may not believe you if you tell them you do not know.
Notoriety: (3 pt Flaw)
You have a bad reputation among the Kindred of your chosen city. This may be your own reputation, or it may be derived from your sire. There is a two-dice penalty to all dice rolls for social dealings with the city's Kindred. A character with this Flaw may not take the Merit of Reputation.