Chimestry (Ravnos/Ravnos antitribu)
1 Ignis Fatuus
By spending a willpower point, the vampire may create a static illusion involving one sense. She must be able to sense it to be able to create it, or sustain it. If it is revealed to be an illusion, it disappears.
2 Fata Morgana
By spending a willpower point adn a blood point, the vampire may create a static illusion involving all senses. She must be able to sense it to be able to create it, or sustain it. If it is revealed to be an illusion, it disappears.
3 Apparition
Having created an illusion, the vampire may spend a blood point to make it move. This movement is limited to a specific pattern, and may not be changed once she has stopped concentrating on the illusion.
4 Permanency
Having created an illusion (Ignis Fatuus or Fata Morgana), the vampire may spend a blood point to cause it become permanent until dissolved.
5 Horrid Reality
Roll: Man. + Subterfuge, difficulty of victims Per. + Self-Control; each success inflects one health level of damage
The vampire may create illusions, as using 2 willpower points and will last for an entire scene. If the vampire is trying to injure, must roll represents one level of amage. The vampire may announce (to the Storyteller) ahead of time that she only wishes to inflict a certain amount of damage. A victim may not be killed in this fashion, but she will still be subject to wound penalties for as long as she believes herself to be injured.
6 Fatuus Mastery
The vampire may create illusions without paying the willpower costs described above. Also, all illusions created will last as long as the vampire is no more than a mile away, unless she wishes them to end before then; she need not sense them to maintain them.
6 Mass Reality
As Horrid Reality, but the vampire may use the illusions to "injure" everyone in her general vicinity.
6 Fata Amria (Clanbook: Ravnos)
Using this power, a Raynos may place a potent curse on a target. By evoking the power in her blood, the Ravnos essentially "locks" an illusory effect to the target, which manifests from time to time. The effects of Fata Amria can range from merely annoying to potentially lethal, depending on the severity of the curse and the number ofmccesses rolled by the Ravnos.
System: A Fata Amria costs one Willpower point to initiate. The Ravnos verbally curses the target, then rolls Manipulation + Intimidation against a difficulty of the target's Willpower. The number of successes determines the strength of the effect, as shown on the table below. The example effect given is simply a guideline; the way in which the Fata Amria manifests is based solely upon the nature of the curse accompanying it.
Note: A Fata Amria is only as successful as the target believes it to be. If the target deeply fears the power of the curse, it manifests itself repeatedly until the target can master his fear.
1 success Inconvenient effects; target loses two dice from a given Dice Pool.
2 successes Minor effects; difficulty numbers are raised by two when in a given circumstance.
3 successes Major effects; target automatically fails a cer- tain action at a pinnacle moment.
4 successes Serious effects; target automatically fails cer- tain actions in any stressful situation.
5 successes Disastrous effects; target fails all actions involv- ing a given Attribute, Ability or Discipline.
7 Far Fatuus
Roll: Wits + Subterfuge, difficulty variable
The vampire may create illusions at a distance. Once she has succeeded, she may use any Chimerstry power at that location. The difficulty varies with her familiarity with the area, as follows:
dif. 6 She knows the area like her own haven.
dif. 7 She has been there frequently.
dif. 8 She has been there a few times.
dif. 9 She is basing her knowledge on the detailed description of someone else, having never been there herself.
dif. 10 She has a photograph, but has never been there herself.
8 Pseudo Blindness
The vampire will always know a lie when she hears it. She also can not perceive any power of Obfuscate or Chimerstry below level nine -- even if she wants to, and is incapable of either being affected by them, or realizing that they are being used. Ravnos who has mastered Pseudo-Blindness is also unmoved by the effects of the Delirium, nor is she affected by faerie seemings. The Ravnos can also see any chimerical items or animals drawn from the Dreaming as if she were enchanted.
8 Sensory Overload (Clanbook: Ravnos)
By overstimulating all five senses, a Ravnos may physically incapacitate a target. Though the target may remain conscious, he is unable to move or speak coherently; he is effectively cut off from the outside world, save through his screams.
System: The character rolls Intelligence + Occult against a difficulty number of the target's Willpower. The duration of Sensory Overload is determined by the number of successes, shown on the table below.
1 success One turn
2 successes One scene
3 successes One hour
4 successes Six hours
5 successes One day
9 Sensory Deprivation
Roll: Man. + Intimidation, difficulty Willpower
The vampire can cause her victim to lose all five senses, and all related abilities, like Auspex. This power lasts for the following time periods:
1 suc. one turn.
2 suc. one hour.
3 suc. one day.
4 suc. one month.
5 suc. one year.
10 Reality
Roll: Wits + Intimidation, difficulty Willpower + 2
Demand: successes = 3 or more
The vampire can invent a fantasy world, and put her victim into it. To escape, the victim must spend one willpower point for each success. This victim actually disappears from the real world, and can not be found with any discipline.
Fatuus Mastery (Addendum):
In addition to the ability previously stated in The Vampire Players Guide, Ravnos gain an additional benefit from mastering this level of Chimerstry, though in most cases even the wielder herself will not know it. Upon attaining Fatuus Mastery, illusions created by the character also manifest in the Penumbra and the Shadowlands, and appear convincing to anyone view- ing the scene from there. However, a Ravnos who cannot peer into these locations is still unable to affect them directly.